I Wanted Beautiful And Long EyeLashes Here Is How I Got Them

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 naturally long lashes


“Life is short, lashes don’t have to be!”

Looking beautiful is a necessity of a woman. Apart, from an hourglass figure and attractive features some strive hard for.
Lashes are also included in the list of wishes.

As a delicate part of beauty, it is also one of the most affected. We all have lashes playing their role of guarding our eyes. Some are lucky enough to have long and thick lashes. The rest have comparatively lesser quantity.

It does not restrict you from enhancing your pair of them.

Our cosmetic industry has exposed us many options to attain bushy and long lashes. For all our important occasions, we have makeup and other alternatives.

It is overwhelming to see actresses wear artificial lashes and carry the best of their look.

To a certain extent fixing fake lashes occasionally is fine. But, what happens if your regular routine demands you to look good every day? Why wear artificial accessories over your eyes to get the perfect pair of lashes?

Sounds tiring and painful I know!

natural ways to get beautiful lashes

So here is the trick!

Include these 5 natural and household goods to enhance your lash.

Add beauty batting them out of excitement.

1. Coconut, Castor and Olive oil

These three oils are the knights of the human body kingdom. Their benefits, use and demand are all high on charts. From delicious food to good health and beauty they are essential. Apart, from skin clarity, stronger nails. These oils are used to grow lashes and strengthen them.

Before sleeping apply a little on the tips of the lashes every night. Within few days, you will be able to see the result and fall in love with these oils.

2. Vaseline

Vaseline is one of the widely consumed petroleum product in homes. It’s moisturizing feature for skin is good for eyelashes too. Before sliding into your bed, every night people with dry or itchy lashes can apply it on the tips. Rub some quantity of Vaseline on your palm then apply. Avoid letting it in your eyes as it can cause slight irritation. But will not harm your eyes.


Image Source:www.venusbuzz.com

3. Food Intake

As we all keep reading stomach is the gateway to goodness and health. It is 100% true. The kind of food we take in is responsible for our appearance. It even depicts our internal health. The quantity, the taste and the type of food we take get mixed in our body and makes each part function.

It is better to eat food that helps to keep you healthy. The one that protects your immune system and even takes care of various body parts.

4. Green Tea

Green tea is the queen of anti-oxidant and benefits. It is not only good for internal cleansing of the body. Instead, it is also a beneficial herb for eyelashes.

Take green tea leaves and soak them in warm water. Then place them on your eyes for some time. Apply the water on your lashes. In a few days, you will see your lashes much stronger, thicker and longer.

remove makeup from eyes before sleeping

Image Source:www.beautylish.com

5. Remove Makeup

We all love makeup and look for chances to wear and feel good. In this craziness do not forget to wipe makeup off your eyes before sleeping. It is important for you to sleep with no added chemicals or extra elements on the skin.

It helps to guard your lashes and eye against foreign elements.

Along with all these natural ingredients include a nature-based product called

Idol Lash.


This serum contains Peptapeptide-17, Panthenol, Jojoba Seed Oil and Kelp Extract.

They help to naturally grow lashes those make them much thicker and longer. Try this unique and latest product to add extraordinary beauty to your eyes.

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