What Causes Scalp sores & How to Treat it


Have you ever brushed through your hair and felt some itching and pain? If yes then you are suffering from scalp sores.

Scalp sores might refer to the painful sores, bumps, or blisters that develop on the scalp. Scabs and sores on the scalp can be itchy and unpleasant. You can use shampoo, ointments, or medication for the treatment. Scratching generally makes them worse and increases your chances of infection.

Such sores may be caused by a variety of factors like-:

1. Infection of the hair shafts (Folliculitis)

Folliculitis is a common scalp and skin condition usually caused by a bacterial or fungal infection in which hair follicles become inflamed or infected. At first, it may look like small red bumps or white-headed pimples around hair follicles — the tiny pockets from which each hair grows. You can also have folliculitis on your arm, legs, and back.

The condition doesn’t have life-threatening effects, but it can be itchy, sore, and embarrassing. Severe infections can cause permanent hair loss and scarring.


(A) Keep your scalp clean

(B) Don’t brush your hair harshly

(C) Keep your scalp moisturized using appropriate hair products


For mild cases to relieve any pain and help the affected area heal, apply a warm compress to the area three or four times a day, for 20 minutes at a time. If the issue worsens, or the cause is unclear, contact a dermatologist.

Consider Reading: A Complete Oily Hair Guide

2. Infection of the skin (impetigo)

Impetigo is a skin infection caused by bacteria which often begins when bacteria that normally can be present on the skin enter a small cut or scratch. It sometimes results in yellow, crusty, oozing blisters or sores. This infection can be itchy or painful. Impetigo is more common in children than in adults.


(A) Wash your hair at proper time intervals

(B) Using antibacterial soap or warm water while bathing

(C) Keep your nails short and clean to avoid cuts while scratching your head

(D) Practice good hygiene

3. Scalp acne

Scalp Acne is one of the reasons what causes scalp sores. It’s a common scalp and hair problem that happens when oil and dead skin cells clog your pores. If a person has oily hair or adds certain products to their hair, they might be more susceptible to scalp acne.


(A)Wash your hair frequently to avoid the accumulation of oil, dirt, and germs.

(B) Avoid scrubbing your scalp with a washcloth. Rather pat your skin with a soft

(C) Eating an overall healthy diet is always good advice, and it may also help
your hair healthy

(D) Change your bed sheets and pillow covers on a weekly basis.


If scalp acne develops consistently, wash the hair more thoroughly, and try hypoallergenic hair products after a thorough research. If the issue persists or gets worse, contact a dermatologist for specific guidance.

4. An allergic reaction

An allergic reaction to a hair product or something else in your environment can cause bumps (hives) on your scalp. This condition is called allergic contact dermatitis. Hives may itch, peel, or feel dry and scaly.


Avoid using hair products you feel you are allergic to. Get recommendations and advice from your doctor to suggest you the products which suit you.


It is important to avoid further contact with products that may be responsible. Also, a doctor may prescribe appropriate medications.

5. Head Lice

Head lice are tiny insects that attack your scalp. They’re highly contagious and can cause itching and bumps on your scalp and if they are visible to naked eyes, it can be really embarrassing.


(A) Keep your hair and scalp clean.

(B) Use appropriate hair products to prevent the growth of lice.

(C) Comb your hair daily and thoroughly.


Treatment for head lice typically involves using medicated shampoo or combing the area to kill and remove the bugs and their eggs.

6. Dandruff

One of the most commonly faced scalp problems these days is dandruff. This common condition can be caused by a yeast overgrowth on your scalp, or by hair products that are drying out your scalp. Dandruff not only causes itching but it also leads to hair fall.


(A) Brush your hair daily and thoroughly

(B) Oil your scalp regularly

(C) Try not to scratch your scalp while oiling or washing


Use anti-dandruff hair products after a good research. Natural ingredients like lemon, neem oil, and curd can be equally efficient in treating dandruff.

We recommend
For the overall treatment purposes, we further recommend you the hair products from southernsistersdesigns.com

Zinc Purify Scalp Sores Scabs Shampoo and Conditioner & Boost Accelerate Healthy Hair and Scalp Oil 4 oz

These products give the best results and relief you from itching, scalp sores, bumps, blisters, and even dandruff patches. Both the products are enriched with Macadamia, Jojoba, Argan, Sunflower, Vitamin E, and Canola which increases the results.

Frequently asked question: Why Does My Hair Smell?

Hair roots have oil glands and when hair are not washed well enough or regularly, it can build up oils (sebum) on your scalp and lead to a smell. An oily scalp can start smelling sooner, even a day or two after shampooing. Your hair can smell even after washing if not done thoroughly. Consider washing your hair with a mild shampoo every two days to keep the sebum levels in check.

The next time, you ask yourself this question – why does my hair smell, use a good shampoo made for your specific scalp and hair type and use it regularly with your doctors’ recommendation.

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