Why is Calcium Essential for Women?

calcium supplements for women


Women strengthen family values, health, and togetherness. In a similar way, calcium also gives strength and builds up bones and teeth. And so, even many calcium supplements for women have turned up everywhere these days.

Calcium for women is very important as they help in keeping them stronger even after a certain age.

With the increasing pressure of work both at home and office, women are ignoring their health. Due to ill eating habits at an early age, the body gets restricted to develop the required bone density. This, later on, leads to osteoporosis that is thinning of bones.

During the adolescent age parents often ignore their children about proper diet and supplements. It can further add to the problems during pregnancy and other health-related issues.

One should know that when we talk about calcium it does not mean only milk or supplements. Calcium is present in vegetables too. So, all those who are allergic to milk or find it hard to take tablets can consume alternate food items. This way, you can ensure a proper calcium intake.

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Once you mature and develop fully, you need calcium to keep your bones strong. This concludes that calcium is important for women at every stage of life.

Here are 5 benefits that prove why calcium is essential for women:

1. A daily fill-up of calcium need

Our body loses calcium every day through hair, skin, sweat, urine, etc. We should fill back the lost quantity of calcium in our bodies every day. Consume green veggies, eggs, and other products that contain a good amount of calcium.

2. Stay fit and toned

It is lately discovered that calcium is also used to shed extra flab from the body. It enhances metabolism and also strengthens the bones. It breaks down the fat and stores it for further purposes. So, consume the right amount of calcium every day and keep away extra fat from accumulating.

calcium supplements for women

3. Keeps you safe from Colon Cancer

The right measure of vitamin D and calcium in the body fights cancer bacteria in the body. It even reduces the development of polyps in the body, which can turn into dangerous cancerous diseases.

4. A healthy heart

Taking calcium daily will help you maintain a healthy heart. It supports avoiding hypertension and cardiovascular disease. The total amount of calcium in our body is present in the form of teeth and bones. The rest 1 percent plays an active role to support other requirements of the body.

One needs to ensure that he or she gets the perfect measure of calcium into the body. You should not exceed or be a deficit in the quantity of calcium given to the body.

calcium supplements for women

5.  Enhances fertility

One of the most beautiful features of calcium is, it increases the fertility rate. Women are often advised to consume calcium before, after, and during pregnancy. In all these three stages, it helps to provide strength to the mother and baby. It even boosts the conceiving power of a woman in delivering the baby.

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It helps to normalize uneven mensuration problems that can be hurting sometimes.

Calcium supplements for women are highly beneficial. One needs to make sure that they take the right quantity on a daily basis.

How much calcium should a woman take?

Here is the chart that can help:

The FNB established RDAs to let you know the right measurement of calcium intake.

Table 1: Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for Calcium

Age Male Female Pregnant Lactating

0–6 months*

200 mg

200 mg

7–12 months*

260 mg

260 mg

1–3 years

700 mg

700 mg

4–8 years

1,000 mg

1,000 mg

9–13 years

1,300 mg

1,300 mg

14–18 years

1,300 mg

1,300 mg

1,300 mg

1,300 mg

19–50 years

1,000 mg

1,000 mg

1,000 mg

1,000 mg

51–70 years

1,000 mg

1,200 mg

71+ years

1,200 mg

1,200 mg

* Adequate Intake (AI)
Take a healthy step to living a better and fearless life.

Hope this blog post gave you some information on the benefits of taking calcium, especially for women. Calcium is present in fruits, vegetables, milk, etc. Calcium supplements for women are also available for consumption. Choose your comfortable way of taking calcium and go for it!

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