Sprading of lung cancer can be prevented



A new Research revealed the mechanism how the lung cancer spreads. According to the study, lung cancer spreads due to the distortion of the protein chains that binds the lung cancer cells together.

The scientists said, these protein chains become non-functional in lung cancer which makes the cancer cells free and spread faster. The tethering of the cells is controlled by a type of protein called TIAM1. These proteins break down when the process of cell maintenance goes on the wrong way.

In normal stage, the healthy cells remove the old cells and utilize them again maintain a proper recycling process. But this process is interrupted in case of lung cancer. As a result, many of the TIMA1 ties are discarded.

According to the lead researcher of this study, Dr. Angeliki Malliki, The Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, the spreading of lung cancer can be stopped by targeting the recycling process as well as keeping the cells together by adhering firmly.

This new research would help medical science to find out the proper treatment to end up the incidences of lung cancer death and save many lives.

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