Heart Attacks: Symptoms & Immediate Actions


You should be aware of the causes and symptoms of heart attacks.  A heart attack is medically called a myocardial infarction and occurs when the blood supply to the heart is interrupted. This interruption of blood flow to the heart is the leading cause of death in both men and women. Heart Attacks: Symptoms & Immediate Actions

In three out of four cases, the individual will experience some symptoms which are warning signs of a heart attack.  Chest pain is often the very first, followed immediately by shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, sweating and anxiety.  To know whether you are having a heart attack, don’t be fooled by looking for all the symptoms.  Women have fewer symptoms and 1 in 4 people have no symptoms at all.

At the first realization that you are having a heart attack or someone you are with is having a heart attack, dial 911.  This situation is a medical emergency.  Regardless of how mild you may think the symptoms are, you should seek medical help.

If there is no immediate help for a heart attack, severe and permanent damage can be done to the heart and death of the victim can even be the result.  Do not delay!

Taking an aspirin is something that can be done immediately if you are experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath.  Once at the emergency room, other drug therapy will be given to break up any clots that are causing the stoppage of blood flow to the heart.

It is believed that anyone over the age of 20 begin assessing their risks for heart attack.  Prevention is always better than treatment after the fact. Since the heart is a muscle, younger people can begin making their hearts strong by knowing how to use that muscle and care for their health.

Talk to your doctor for advice about your risks for heart attacks and contact the American Heart Association for information.  Keeping your heart healthy is the first action in preventing most heart attacks.  Learn to recognize how you feel.

Knowing the symptoms of having a heart attack and taking immediate action during a heart attack may save your life.



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