14 Things You Should Be Careful About in 1st Trimester of Pregnancy

what precautions should be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a bittersweet experience. On one hand, your body goes through a lot of changes, and it can be overwhelming. What precautions should be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy?

The first trimester is very crucial. That is the time when your body starts to get used to the process and prepares itself.  It also holds the highest risk of miscarriage. Due to this high-risk factor, precautions in the early months of pregnancy have become a must for all mothers and fathers now.
what precautions should be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy

Did you know! Some women do not even realize they’re pregnant until they are 4-5 weeks pregnant already. So, they are always advised to plan their pregnancies. It is, thus, crucial to protect yourself and stay healthy to prepare for the arrival of the baby.

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How to take precautions in early pregnancy?

Below are the things to be taken care of during the first trimester:

  • Raw milk: Raw milk is not pasteurized, thus, it still has bacteria in it and could make you ill.
  • Processed and packaged foods: Avoid all kinds of processed and packaged foods. They contain harmful preservatives, pigments, salts, and sugars.  Always choose to go for fresh veggies and fruits and homemade food instead of canned ones.
  • Smoking: If you are a smoker or stay around people who smoke, it’s high time to cut down completely on the habit. Smoking holds the risk of premature labor, miscarriage, and ectopic pregnancies.
  • Avoid getting anywhere near litter boxes or dustbins. They may contain harmful bacteria, and can also make you nauseous due to the smell. Did you know! You can smell almost anything when you’re pregnant.
  • Alcohol: Experts usually ask pregnant women to avoid alcohol right from the beginning. Alcohol is always linked to higher risks of miscarriage.
  • Medical history: When it comes to “what precautions should be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy?”, do not forget to discuss your family medical history with your doctor.  Mention cases of mental health, diabetes, surgeries, and ongoing drugs for evaluation.
  • Caffeine: Avoid too much caffeine and caffeine-containing foods. Reduce the intake of foods like dark chocolate, colas, black tea, etc as experts associate it with a higher risk of miscarriage.
  • Avoid foods with high mercury content. Experts believe that mercury crosses the placenta and could cause impairments in the baby.
  • Bleeding: Always check for bleeding and passing tissue. It is quite a common symptom observed in the first trimester. It could be a sign of miscarriage, infections, ectopic pregnancy.
  • Raw meat or fish: Raw meat and fish can affect your baby. They could contain toxoplasmosis parasites and salmonella. There is also a good chance of food poisoning.  So, it is best to consume those only after cooking.  Did you know!  Babies can taste the food their mothers eat in the womb.
  • Avoid strenuous exercises that could put pressure or cause injury to the belly area. Do not forget to consult with your doctor before hitting the gym. Did you know that your uterus can grow as big as a watermelon?
  • Avoid activities like horseback riding, sauna or hot tub baths, amusement park rides, diving, running, gymnastics, etc.
  • Avoid lifting weights or heavy items as that could put pressure on your abdomen region and hurt the baby.
  • Always look for alarming signs like fainting, bleeding, pain in the abdomen, palpitations, vaginal discharges, etc.

Fun fact again! The force inside a woman’s uterus during a contraction is almost that of 180 kilograms of pressure per square foot.

Taking necessary precautions and consult with experts before taking any step. It will ensure your safety and prevent harm to the baby. As a to-be mother, the most important thing to keep in mind is the protection of your fetus. And of course, self-care, for a smooth and hassle-free pregnancy.

Hope this information answered your question of “what precautions should be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy?” We would love to hear from you! Please let us know your opinions or questions in the comments section below or through email.

Consider reading: Undeniable Early Signs of Pregnancy Before you Take the Test
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