Diabetes Research


Diabetes is a metabolic disease where the body is unable to either produce or properly use the insulin. Insulin is what is required to change all the food we eat into energy that the body needs for living. There has been no particular cause attributed to the occurrence of diabetes but diabetes research has shown that factors like excess weight, sedentary life with little or no exercise does have a role to play. 

There are essentially 2 types of diabetes known as Type I and Type II but there is also something called gestational diabetes and a condition called pre-diabetes where there is evidence that sugar levels in the blood are higher than normal. 

Type I diabetes is diagnosed when the body is unable to produce any insulin and this has to be injected to help the body function normally. Type II diabetes occurs when the insulin is not used properly by the body or it develops resistance to it. 

There has been a lot of diabetes research done and this diabetes research is going on. The American Diabetes Association Research Program gives a lot of help to clinical and basic diabetes research which is primarily aimed at looking at ways and means of treating, curing and prevention of diabetes. They cover everything form “islet cell biology” to techniques in transplantation to conducting detailed studies of behavior issues of cells. 

The national institute of health conducts diabetes research along with the ADA Research funding program where in support is provide for new ideas on diabetes research and new investigators too. Then there is something known as “Experimental Diabetes Research” which basically is in the business of publishing unique studies conducted on physiology and path biology of “experimental diabetes mellitus” complications associated with it and relevant topics related to it. 

There is a lot of diabetes research going on in the field of juvenile diabetes also. The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International  is committed to scientific studies to find out if the destruction of beta cells by the immune system can be avoided in new patients of the Type I diabetes. Cell based therapies are being given lot of credence and research is on to see how embryonic stem cells and diabetes can work towards finding some cure for juvenile diabetes. 

There are a lot of other institutes all over the world where diabetes research is being conducted to explore the causes of the occurrence of diabetes in detail. As of now there is a lot of doubt about the actual causes of diabetes’s and doctors are of the opinion that a sedentary lifestyle, obesity and other physiological factors are responsibly for the hormone production in the body to go awry which then leads to various hormonal problems of which diabetes is one. 

For those who may be pre-diabetic doctors advise a change in diet and lifestyle so that the problem does not aggravate. Regular exercise and control over the food being eaten is considered very essential in ensuring that from pre diabetic you don’t go on to a full bloom diabetic patient. 


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