How to Deal with Mental Health at Workplace
I do not know a single person who isn’t facing mental health issues at work. A high-pressure job or impending promotion. It could be...
Mood-Shifters for Better Health and Happiness
Believe it or not, the presence of negativity and depression in your life can have a direct impact on your physical health. Research on...
Enlightening Your Heart!
Sometimes, I wonder that do people really show what they are going through deep inside their hearts. Whenever we ask our loved ones, friends...
Smokers! Know How To Quit Smoking
How to quit smoking is the question all smokers around the globe ask themselves and each other. It has become a practice for them...
Don’t fret break ups! They are part of life!
We like to read novels in which the hero and heroine after all hassles live happily ever after. We like happy endings because we...
12 Foods That Help Quit Smoking
"Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world.
I know because I've done it thousands of times."
- Mark Twain
Nicotine is a very addictive substance. If you buy yourself...
Smoking may Enhance TB Deaths
As per the new research, smoking is highly responsible for enhanced TB deaths. The study was led by Dr.Sanjay Basu in California . He...
Red wine is good to reduce stress
The scientists of San Diego has discovered that Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine can improve cellular health which is a good news...
Will The Struggle Ever End?
Do we always get what we dream of? And the truth is NO.
Needless to say, life is not bed of roses, we do we...
New Shelter For Rural In SA To Cure Mental Health: A Contribution To The...
This mental health week Australia is all geared up to hold hands with each other to ask. Whether you are OK or not! At...
How Large An Area Should A Smoke Free Zone Encompass?
I'm sure you have probably heard that within the coming months all restaurants and the majority of public places are going to be 'Smoke...
Touch smartphone and its positive impact on brain!
According to a latest research, it is revealed that smartphone has a positive impact on our brain. The researchers of this study say that...