Smoking kills

Why Should You Stop Smoking?

Stop Smoking!  This is the cry throughout the world.  Non-smokers say to smokers stop smoking. But do they stop their habit of smoking immediately? ...

7 Ways To Make Your Workplace A Happy And Healthy Zone

Every little thing is life adds to happiness and health. Like Working passionately and loving your profession is an awesome feeling. You can only...

A Common Mental Sickness: Depression

A Common mental sickness, involving body, mood, and thoughts, called Depression. It is a mental disorder which affects on thought, loss of sleep and...

Quit Smoking-It’s Time to Live!

Why go smoke free, wonders many. But seldom anyone pays heed to it. Someone, may be you, need to kick this bad habit for...

Women And Depression

  A woman has to perform a multifaceted role in her life - a spouse, mother, sister, daughter etc. Her family, career and above that...

Don’t fret break ups! They are part of life!

We like to read novels in which the hero and heroine after all hassles live happily ever after. We like happy endings because we...

5 Signs Of Depression Those Can Lead To a Breakup

Love and depression are feelings those are poles apart. But, when they share the same platform it is a signal that something is not...

Hazardous Effects Of Smoking

Through out the world there are numerous people addicted to cigarette smoking. There are several reasons behind smoking as some people start smoking in...

Depression-The Cognitive Research!

Clinical depression also known as unipolar depression or major depressive disorder is a psychiatric disorder, generally characterized by diffused low mood, lack or loss...

Touch smartphone and its positive impact on brain!

According to a latest research, it is revealed that smartphone has a positive impact on our brain. The researchers of this study say that...

Having a Stressful Day? You Need These Mindful Activities to Relax and Focus

Stress has become such an integral part of everyone’s life. It’s not even funny. A 7-year-old is stressed so is a 56-year-old. No Man...

Adolescent Depression-The Severity!

  Since 20th century depression is as the major psychiatric disease, affecting eight million people approximately in North America. In the case of depression, adults...

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