Daily Routines That Help Ease Chronic Depression
Most people usually understand the importance of eating nutritious food and following a good exercise program to have a healthy body, but they often...
Existential Crisis A Lesser Known Type Of Depression
Thinking about life and the mere essence of our birth is nothing wrong! But when this thought and related questions are not answered, they...
Adolescent Depression-The Severity!
Since 20th century depression is as the major psychiatric disease, affecting eight million people approximately in North America. In the case of depression, adults...
5 health Apps to keep you mentally Healthy Yet relaxed
With an increase in technology and facilities around the world, unfortunately, daily stress has also been increasing. Managing work, family, funds, peers, and ever-increasing...
5 Reasons Why Depression Is Cutting The Soul Out Of You
A feeling is a derivation that affects your entire body in internal and external basis. Various kinds of feeling like happiness and sadness make up...
You Need To Start Reading To Believe How Books Can Improve Your Memory
"The habit of reading is the only enjoyment in which there is no alloy; it lasts when all other pleasures fade."
Reading has not been...
7 Ways To Make Your Workplace A Happy And Healthy Zone
Every little thing is life adds to happiness and health. Like Working passionately and loving your profession is an awesome feeling. You can only...
Want to protect your Brain from tangles? Aim high!
Of all the people whom I have met in my life, I miss my grandpa the most and I have got reasons for that....
One smoke won’t make a difference- A health confession for a better life
It was the end of class 12th exams and I was all excited to enter my college life! After spending a decade in the...
Don’t Surrender – Deal With Depression After Your Divorce
Everybody around us have an emotional need to feel loved and attached to someone. No matter it’s a bonding with your parents or with...
Women And Depression
A woman has to perform a multifaceted role in her life - a spouse, mother, sister, daughter etc. Her family, career and above that...
How Meditation helps in curing depression
Meditation is the key to gain a calm state of mind. It’s a very simple technique to breath deep while concentrating your mind towards...