Ah, Our Food Cravings!

food cravings

How can we just get rid of the most irritating habit of food cravings? Oftentimes, people crave some particular kinds of food, which is usually known as “comfort food”. Have you ever discovered that why you are addicted to food?

From my personal experience, I figured out when exactly I started binging on unhealthy options.

1. To Relieve My feelings –

Whenever I fight with my loved ones or get tormented at my workplace due to work pressure, the very next moment, I crave comfort foods. My favorites are chocolates, pastries, and potato chips.

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What I believe is the reason is, I just feel a bit better for a while. But after a while, I feel terribly guilty, though I have started to gain control of myself by dealing with my emotions and stress level. I have realized the fact that it’s always better to separate food addiction from your emotional hurt. As you will always face some challenges in your relationship or at your workplace, it’s prudent to tackle your life issues.

It is a thin line that divides food craving and food addiction. Research shows that food addiction is similar to addiction to alcohol or drugs. 

2. Busy Lifestyle –

Nowadays, every single person is occupied in work. We always engage ourselves in some or the other activities; as a result of this, we never give importance to our diet. Our way of enjoyment includes visiting a pub, or going to dinner, or going out for a movie. Little did we know that there are some other ways of enjoyment too like playing your favorite sports. If we can introduce some hobby in our lives it can make a big difference in our life.

However, the reasons for your food cravings can totally differ from that of mine. The food you crave can also be different. Some might have sugar or sweet cravings, some might be craving cookies while some others might be craving salt.

Whatever the reasons for your food cravings are, you must know to not give in to those feelings every time as it may affect your health and fitness of both your body and mind.

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